, without
employee participation in their development. Employers should allow employees to engage
in decisions that affect them whenever feasible, not just as a motivational incentive, but as
recognition of the employees’ expertise. That expertise should be communicated in an environment
that encourages voice . Employees should be allowed to express their opinions without fear
of retribution, in appropriate places and at appropriate times. Finally, The Of fi ce’s employees
seem to operate daily with the expectation that fairness will not be exercised; there is no sense of
justice . In a well-functioning organization, all decisions pertaining to employees must follow
established principles of procedural justice which, with some luck, may result in distributive
justice (selection, appraisal, advancement, etc.). Employers must also follow established labor
laws. In sum, the misery of The Of fi ce’s employees is a manifestation of the culture of their work
environment. It lacks respect, balance, responsibility, autonomy, participation, voice, and jus